Friday, May 24, 2013

the mind.

Someone once did an experiment on someone that suffered from multiple personality disorder. This is a condition whereby a person can have two or more co existing personalities in one body, that do not relate to one another.

In the experiment it was found that one aspect of the multiple personality could be allergic to something, but whilst in another aspect of the multiple personality the allergy did not exist.

Interesting. That the person could manifest symptoms in one part, and none in another.

I think most of us have experienced that we have different elements of mind or personality, parts that exist more or less at different times. For example, in one part we may relate in one way, in another part we may relate in a completely different way.

To the logical it becomes a paradox, the the multi faceted it is an expression of another element.

If you adhere to the mono-mind theory, this can be very confusing. But if you allow yourself to expand into the idea of a multi-faceted mind, it all makes perfect sense.


Anyway, we may have to admit, that we are acted upon by external forces most of the time; the weather, people, places, etc, can have an influence on us. Some of these external forces can affect us deeply, but only if we have a mind to be affected. The weather for example can destroy someone's day, week or month, and we now have a syndrome synonymous with changing weather patterns, known as S.A.D.S, seasonal, adjustive, disorder, syndrome. In this case, as the weather changes so does mood and the ability to operate.

I digress!

What I am getting at is, if we can sink into the silent mind, we are not going to be affected by anything. When we are in silence, we are relating to the void, to nothing, to the 'no mind' of the Zen philosophers. And from that space nothing can affect us.

Deepen this connection everyday.

Relate to nothing and become free.

In Yoga we are kind of creating a new part of the personality 'the inner yogi' if you like.

This 'inner Yogi' is connected or relating to silence and stillness.

The inner Yogi becomes less affected by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

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