Sunday, April 21, 2013

Holding the space.

The brain wave patterns are significant in our everyday functioning.

Beta wave; is normal function - this is where we spend most of our time. At the higher end of Beta we find anxiety. At the lower end we move into a more relaxed state.

The question is, can we, or do we want to, move into deeper states of relaxation/awareness?

If we have lived in a a stressful environment in early life, we have to a certain degree been programmed to be this way later on. We may then re-create a stressful life as an adult because we understand the 'game' of stress and anxiety. For those of us that are this way inclined it may be quite disturbing to feel relaxed, and we may resist relaxation, albeit unconsciously, because it feels alien to us.

Think about it!

Of course this theory is based on the assumption that stress is 'bad' for us, and that relaxation is good for us.

Perhaps our natural state is stress. If we were comfortable all the time we would have no need to do anything to make our lives better, would we?
In the macrocosm, the evolution of the human race is partly due to trying to make life better and more comfortable for ourselves - we strive for a better world.
In the microcosm as individuals, we try to solve our problems rationally, we adapt and change according to our needs and desires - we strive for a better quality of life.

Whatever the case there are times when it is appropriate to relax, a time when we need and/or want to shut off the mind chatter.

In the previous blog I talked about how we can do that.

Now you've been there how do you stay there? And what is the point of staying there?

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