Saturday, April 27, 2013

More of nothing.

Doing nothing is where it's at.

It's funny, but a whole industry has built up around the concept of 'doing nothing.'

It's a strange world.

Or more succinctly put; people are strange, and not just when you're a stranger.

"Island Universes" we are. Floating around in space thinking our thoughts. Each of us living on our own little bubble.

It's great when we find someone to agree with our version of reality, because we have now found a 'partner'.

Then the fun begins.

"I'll love you as long as you conform to my version of reality."

That is kind of how it goes isn't it.

We can easily notice the obvious differences. For example, people that believe in monogamy probably think it's wrong to have more than one lover, and people that come from cultures that allow more than one wife can see no problem at all with it!

It is conditioning.

YOU have yours.



Have mine.

But once we 'both' know that this is the case we'll have less problems and will probably laugh more.

Being a father and a son I straddle two worlds. Looking one way I see how my parents input shaped me for the road ahead, and on the other, I can see how my input into my children's lives probably shaped theirs - a bit.

Be honest.

At least with yourself.

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