Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Have you ever asked yourself, why are you unhappy?

If you do, and if you have to strength to be truly honest with yourself, you may find that you are unhappy because you are choosing to be.

Make a note of how many times in the course of a day you find a really good excuse to be angry, and or miserable.

It may make you laugh.

When you see that it is the the mind, or more precisely, the conditioned mind that is doing this, you have got to laugh.

You are not your mind....

Become quiet and enjoy it. If you can't do that, at least become aware of the nature of your thoughts, and the way these thoughts are making you feel.

Once you do this, you are acknowledging that 'you' have the capacity to 'see' your own thoughts.

This can provoke a serious question; If I can watch myself thinking, then who am 'I'?

Am I the thinker or the watcher?

Going further. If you are captured by your thoughts, if you have no way of detaching from and/or seeing that you are not your thoughts, you will then identify with them. When you identify with your thoughts, 'you' or who you think you are, have become your thoughts.

This is where the 'prover' comes in. The 'prover' has to prove what your thoughts are telling you, is real.

If someone in authority told you something as a child, you may have believed it, you may still, at some level, believe it. If you were told you were stupid or something, you may go around proving to yourself that you are stupid/miserable/ugly/fat/horrible/not a nice person/bad/good/ whatever, whatever, whatever.

So there you go.

By becoming still, and more conscious, you will see these little dynamics ticking away in the background. These 'beliefs' have become so ingrained that they become part of you, they have become a living reality of who you think you are.

When you do yoga etc, you are waking up the power of concentration, and the ability to become more present, more often.

Becoming more present more often is all you have to do...........

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