It seems to me, when you look a little closer, our teachers seemed to be flawed in some way - all of them.
Could that be because they are human? :)
If you look, you will discover that you are a victim, to a greater or lesser degree, of your past.
Your personality has been formed, consciously, and/or unconsciously, via, education, religious input, or the lack of it, parents views and biases, accidents, illnesses, experiences in general, and more.
This is a fact, and by now it should be pretty obvious.
Freud, Jung, and all the psychologists, have told us what we need to know. There is more than enough information available now, for those of us that are interested, to look at and discover something about ourselves.
If you can't be bothered to do that fine, but stop complaining.
Bookshops are full of old, and new books, on all the varying subjects to do with the mind, the body, the universe, and everything in it.
What's the problem?
People have been going on about the 'new age' the 'age of Aquarius' since the sixties! Well it's here - if you can't see that, you must be seriously asleep, or stupid, or both.
I believe, Eckhart Tolle, and, Tony Parsons are telling us something interesting. You may need to hear it, they seem to make it sound simple. Unlike Krisnamurti, and others like him. They made it too complicated for me. And some of the stuff written by Alice Bailey, et al, is beyond comprehension.
Why did they need to make it so complex?Perhaps that's the best they could do with the mind sets of that era. Perhaps the 'esoteric' made it more interesting for people.
To be honest, we have to ask, what are they all saying anyway?
The Guru system seems to be irrelevant, and outdated to me. I know there are some that still kow-tow to the need to be special and different, and pretend they know something none of the rest of us mere mortals know, but now it's clear, it's a game!
We are here now, and what we 'choose' to do with his gift is personal.
We have knowledge at our fingertips - if we don't choose to look at it, who are we going to blame?
What's the problem? Oh yea I forgot, the world is in a mess! People are still killing each other.
This is not good.
There are many people with serious struggles, I know that. But with some determination and willingness to see more clearly, most things can be made better.
The mind needs to be examined, looked at. That's it!
Your own mind, and the things you 'choose' to think about, will determine the way you feel, and the way you view the world around you.
Stop and look within.
Breathe and try to stop thinking for five minutes.
Let the light come in.
Yoga can help you.