Monday, July 29, 2013

Asana Practice.

Asana practice is a specific dynamic designed to awaken psycho emotional conditioning for release.

Wilhelm Reich, as a scientist in the forties, identified chronic muscular tension in the body. He called it 'muscular armouring' and was the first person based in a psychologically oriented science, as far as I'm aware, that identified this phenomenon.

Chronic muscular armour is part of the mind/body dillema. If there is unacknowledged tension underlying the movements of the body/mind, there cannot be freedom.

This is why psychotherapy alone is limited, in my opinion, and such a long drawn out affair.

Asana's must be done correctly though, and it is worth time learning to do them properly, rather than throwing yourself around, and sweating your arse of, injuring yourself, and wasting time, in a class taught by someone that does not practice themselves, and needs the money.. You might as well go to a bodypump class or something.

There is a big difference between getting high and getting real........

If you want to wake up - get real.

You can go to any number of retreats, workshops, events etc, that will get you high for a while, but the long term investment in an ongoing committed practice will fulfill you on a daily basis, negating any need to escape anymore.

Hari Om to that..........

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