Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What are you doing? prt 2

When you think. I mean when you really think consciously about what you are doing, how does it make you feel?

Are you satisfied/happy/peaceful?

There can be, if you look closely enough enough, an underlying anxiety that is always looking for a fix. We want to feel comfortable, and we want to feel relaxed. We compromise our energy to get what we think we want. One of the major driving forces, base chakra survival stuff, is the need and the requiring of money.

How much do you need? Have you worked it out lately?

Because one of the most popular ways to avoid life, living and intimacy, with oneself and others, is to work your arse off and tell yourself you're doing something good.

Money is necessary, that much is true. But this drive I see to get it, is life negating.

The other extreme is to live in denial of deeper connection to oneself through feeling. This is done in another creatively avoidant way. Going to endless workshops, retreats, holidays, and etc, and kidding yourself that you are 'working' on yourself.

Don't lie.

Anxiety is real. It's fear manifest. Fear manifests in an arena of doubt. Doubt is 'not knowing'

What don't you know?

When you meet someone that has the answer ask them; what is it they know that you don't.

I believe yoga, as a practical tool, will connect you deeper to who you really are.
I believe we all have natural talents, and I think Yoga can put you in touch with those talents. To reach the layer of authentic experience may require you to travel through layers of conditioning, in the form of discomfort and pain.

Yoga Asanas,  are psycho-spiritual templates. These practical positions of the body will realign and awaken the inherent intelligences in the system.

The nervous system, the hormonal system are information highways inside you - listen to them.

If you begin to listen deeply to yourself you will begin to drop the need for someone to show you the way.

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