Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The word Guru, means 'weighty one' and 'light bringer' is another.

But what's in a name. A Guru's job is to tell you, you are doing it wrong. Whatever it is.

Have you noticed that?

Do we 'not' have a thing as intelligence? Do we not have a thing called intelligence that is inherent in all of us?

Of course we do.

How do we get in touch with it?

Until we stop investing energy in trying to be something or somebody, and just accept ourselves the way we happen to be, we will never find out true nature.


Why do you struggle? What is the point? We are all going to die. We are all going to move on from this plane to another. Even if that 'other' is nothing for all eternity.

Why are you miserable?

Look within and you may see the cause of your suffering.

Let it go.

At this point in time, with so much on offer in the way of advice on health and healing and right living, I think we can at least surmise that the past has somehow affected our ability to be happy.

Yoga practices can wake up the dormant energies and bring you back to life.

Analogy; If you have been taking tranquilisers and/or painkillers all of your life and you stop suddenly, you will feel a lot of pain. So, you will more than likely continue to take the painkillers, it seems easier.

This is the short term solution, and is commonly known as denial.

We have all, to a certain extent employed various means to protect ourselves from the harsh realities of living in this world. But when these behaviours and habits compromise our well being, we need to take a reality check.

Yoga is hard, but so is life. (I Think).

If you think life is easy, leave a comment and tell us how to do it.

Work hard to be happy.

Or die trying. 

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