Thursday, June 20, 2013

your choice.

Happiness is relative to something. For example, someone that is mildly upset about something, is happier than someone that is deeply depressed, and from there it's all onward and upward.

I do believe that there is a state of being that is, how shall I say? - more natural, and that possibly we have a human being, default setting.

But living the way we do perhaps this default setting is not correct.

The long term effects, of long term stress, are many, and restlessness is one of them. The inability to relax can be caused by over stimulation of the,  sympathetic nervous system. Better known as the fight or flight response.

To counter balance the effects of stress we have the, para sympathetic nervous system. But if we are constantly stressed, constantly putting ourselves under pressure, for one reason or another, the sympathetic nervous system becomes stuck in the 'on' position. The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to switch off.

This is where narcotics, legal and otherwise, and booze come into the picture. These things supposedly help us relax. But they don't, what they do is deplete the system of its natural chemical/hormonal substances.

For example it has been widely documented that, Serotonin enhancing substances, reduce the natural production of Serotonin. Serotonin is a 'feel good' chemical, supposedly produced in the pineal gland, amongst other places. And the highs some of the drugs give are, more high, in some ways than we can achieve via natural means. So we become dissatisfied with, so called, mundane reality even more than we were, before we took the drug. This is where dependency comes into the picture. We 'need' something outside of ourselves to give us something.

But we have free will. Right?



Well we 'do' have free will.

If we begin to see that Yoga can help reduce the obstacles to feeling good happiness, we may be more inspired to try it. The alternative is to be in denial, and hang on in there, until some kind of miracle occurs.

Yoga is an action practice. If you don't do it, it won't work.


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