Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Head Trip!

"Your head is out to get you all the time." Overheard on a bus.

Well how true, we listen to the dialogue between the ears, the one that never stops, until we learn to stop it.

But how?

It's easy actually.

1. Become aware that you are thinking.


2. Decide to stop.

If you have ever tried to stop thinking, you'll know it's not that easy.


As long as you have at least become aware of it, you are getting somewhere.

The thinker thinks.

And ...........

The witness watches the thinker thinking, right?

Can you get that? If you can, the next question to ask is; which are you, the thinker or the witness?

Of course, the easy answer is both. But if we keep to the the point, i.e, stopping thinking, then we 'should' really be looking at making a stronger connection to the, Witness.

It's not as if we really get completely disconnected from the witness, it's always there in the background, it's more about staying present to it.

How do we do that?

By doing it!

By becoming more aware, more often.

Yoga helps.

Keep laughing, that helps too. 

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