I try to write what I think is true. And that's not as easy as it sounds - not for me anyway.
What is there to say about Yoga - that it works? I think it does.
But it's a mess too. There are too many people, saying too many things, about too many subjects. It gets complicated, especially in the world of health and healing.
We live in complex times, the boundaries are shifting day by day - the boundaries of time/money/information merge and blur. Life is fast and complicated.
We are inundated with information, and it's up to us to decide, what's real and what's not, amongst it all.
How do we do that?
There is no doubt in my mind that a place exists within me, that is still, peaceful and silent. When I am in that place, I have no problems. This place is inside all of us.
This place has no need to be proven, it's not about contacting God, or a spiritual messenger from another dimension, it's inside of us, it's ours.
If you have never contacted this place, then you may need to be convinced of it's existence. I'm can't do that.
If you suffer, who's fault is it?
If you are peaceful and content, who made that happen?
I'm convinced that sometimes, good luck and good weather make a difference to our well being. But on the whole I think it's our effort in finding contentment, peace, and whatever else you want to call it, that counts the most.
BUT - if we are programmed to be negative and miserable, then we are less likely to be able to find the inspiration to change ourselves. This is why people seek out therapies, to help them, to become inspired.
You are only a victim if you want to be. If you have been conditioned to be a victim, you first have to be honest about that, you have to wake up to that fact. After that you will be more aware of, the, 'victim making' decisions, you make, and stop doing it.
If you do Pranayama it will give you energy, it will make you 'feel' better. Have you ever tired to be positive when you have flu? Impossible.
You have to get your energy up, it will help you to feel better, give you a head start into thinking more positively, more optimistically.
Yoga Pranayam and Asana will definitely do that.
Stop moaning and don't let them get you down - who ever they are :)
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